Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mark Zukerberg Ka Eid

I was leaving the house earlier today for a meeting, had my laptop in one hand and the boy who works for us here in Karachi comes out from behind asking me how he can create a Facebook account from his phone.

We had gotten him a second hand laptop to help with his school work (Metric), however it doesn't have WiFi capabilities so he's dependent on his QMobile smart phone for the internet.

Earlier this week he asked me how to upgrade the sound drivers on his laptop, as he had already downloaded several versions via his mobile device, which did not work. It was incredible to learn,  with so little knowledge and exposure to the world and the English language he was able to figure out how to download sound drivers via his mobile device and then transfer it to his laptop.

Then today the fact he knew about Facebook, and even more amazing his classmates at the Gizri Government (Urdu and Sindhi Medium) School down the street talk about Facebook is incredible. Though I'll try and delay helping him with creating a Facebook account until he completes and passes his Metric exams - as Facebook is a distraction he can do without for now :-).

Technology is indeed flattening the world, blurring traditional social and economic barriers. Is that good, well on the face of things definitely, however I can't help but wonder what are, if any the adverse affects of foreign technology being adopted within a society? What do you think?

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1 comment:

asal said...

Good one and nice photo! Many impacts, but not all are bad. The big issue here is... the masses can no longer be expected to be illiterate and that is threatening to some.