Friday, September 26, 2008

Time to act and Support "Grassroot" Entrepreneurs in the 3rd World

Father sells infant of Rs. 100 (US $1.30) in Badin, Sindh, Pakistan

BADIN: By being sick of poverty in Golarchi area of Badin district, a father sold out his infant of Rs. 100, who was born two hours ago on Friday.

Police raided the alleged buyer’s home on complaint of infant’s mother and recovered the baby.

Police recovered the baby having raided the home of alleged buyer on complaint of infant’s poor mother after five hours of the incident and arrested the seller (father) and buyer, police sources said.

Alleged buyer told the police that the infant’s father was unable to bring up his child that made him sell the infant. He then paid hundred rupees to the alleged father in return to buy sweets and guaranteed to bear the infant’s living expenditures in future. [GEO NEWS]

Your first reaction may be what, how could he sell his infant? But this is coming from folks living high in their ivory towers looking down at the impoverished masses. If you are reading this blog post then you most likely are one of those new age elitist, and I include myself who come up with grandiose ideas on how to eradicate poverty - from creative financial schemes to job creating projects. All is well and good, however where has it gotten us? Yeah, perhaps it has helped a few people - however there are still countless people, like this father with next to little avenues to turn to for help.

I am beginning to wonder, how can one talk about projects such overhauling the National IT policy or establishing centers of higher learning when the basic necessities of the common people are still to be met? Lets first find ways to alleviate poverty, then talk about other nation building ventures - which if you ask me are luxuries we can do without for the time being. This is where the Government can help. Yet, they are too busy building their own ivory fortress to give a hoot about the common man.

It's easy to say: "Oh why don't they go get jobs?", for crying out loud how are they to find jobs when their are none to go around?

We need sustained income generation programs that recognize peoples innate skills, and land them in jobs, or help them establish business that pay decent wages.

In addition macro-Economic reform is needed. Inflation needs to be curbed. Government subsidies on essential goods and services will help. And finally, a Universal health care program is needed.

Who will do this? From the looks of it, the Government does not appear to be in a position to act.

However, all hope isn't lost. I'd like to take the opportunity to propose a Poverty Alleviation Program to support "grassroots" entrepreneurs in impoverished parts of the world. For starters we'll focus on Pakistan.

The program will launch under the aegises of PakSEF (or the Pakistan Science & Engineering Foundation). PakSEF is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) California based organization.

is dedicated to the proposition that making discoveries, and applying scientific knowledge to solve human problems is the birthright of all free people.

To find out how you can participate in this program email Or you may also make a monetary donation of an amount of your choosing to PakSEF's "grassroots" Entrepreneurship Program.

Let's help people help themselves by realizing the power of their own ingenuity!

For pennies to the dollar we can help establish 1 person in a vocation of his choosing, and ensuring one family with a chance at a decent, and steady livelihood.

The funds collected will be distributed to pre selected individuals on a case by case basis. To learn more about the program or to participate email

All donations are tax deductible under
section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code
Taz ID# 20-2950808

*Cross-posting to Scitech Wire, WadiBlog

Copyright C. Abdulrahman Rafiq

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