Thursday, December 27, 2007

Shattered Hopes - A Nation Cries!

The nation weeps at shattered dreams and aspirations. Lost hope for a better tomorrow, a democratic Pakistan. None can deny the fact that Benazir Bhutto represented a symbol of Hope for the nation - for peoples rule. Now who will step up to the plate and fill the power vacuum?

With the demise of Ms. Bhutto, the leader of the most popular political party in Pakistan democracy seems like a fallacy. "Illadvised policies of the past, and severe polarization under Military rule have led to the circumstances behind today's tragedy. We have become accustomed to violence, to suicide blasts, and the usurping of rules and rights by strong men at the helm. Today, the nation paid a price" commented by As Nawaz Sharif correctly stated, something unthinkable has happened in Rawalpindi this evening. The country appear to be on the brink of disaster. Hospitals and Government buildings are up in flames, roads are littered with burning cars, buses and tires. Enraged, and emotionally charged political workers are swarming the streets of Pakistan. from Karachi to Peshawar, the nation is semblance of a war zone.

Today the people made an outcry. It is time for the nation to wake up from it's slumber, rise up as a united front against injustices perpetuated against them.

While many may disagree with Benazir's ideological beliefs, or argue her tenure was short lived with little to show for. Undeniably, she was the most capable leaders who spend 25 out of 30 years of her political career in the opposition, championing the cause of democracy with extraordinary fervor against Military dictatorships. This is the legacy Benazir will be remembered for.

Todays tragedy have left many in a state of shock and utter disbelief. Nerves have been touched hard, people, whether they be friends or foe acknowledge the symbolism Benazir represented.

Copyright C. AbdulRahman Rafiq

1 comment:

asal said...

I am not shocked, but I am sad... sad for the entire Nation of Pakistan! Let's not forget the other 22 people who also died and the turmoil currently taking place.
