Sunday, April 01, 2007

Misplaced Paranoia...

karachi port, originally uploaded by altamash.

This is a lovely post of the Karachi port in the wee hours of sunset. I can't believe someone asked the photographer, Altamash why he was taking pictures of 'sensitive' facilities !!! (See Atlamash's comments)

What in heavens name is sensitive about this picture? This is nothing compared to a photo I have taken of the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP) as a backdrop to the Karachi coastline at the French Beach (Bulehjo).

Take a look at this photo, a misty haze in the foreground, the sea is calm as is common at this time of the year. The beach you see is a season one, that exists during the later months of the year. From November to March to be exact. For the rest of the year the sand and rocks you see are relatively under water. A picturesque view from Bulehjo (French Beach), conjures up memories of softer time - the younger more innocent days of this photo blogger.

Copyright (c) 2007 Abdulrahman Rafiq (ARR)

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