Wednesday, March 14, 2007

CJ of Pakistan's sudden removal.....Whats next?

Following are CNN, BCC and GEO TV reports on the recent removal of the CJ of Pakistan Supreme Court. What are the immediate political ramifications of this recent incident? Further, how do we explain the timing of Benazir's recent op-ed in the Washington Post? Are Musharraf's days numbered? Is Benazir planning a grand come back to power? Further, we must ask is the recent incident withe sudden dismal of the CJ a solely domestic issue, or has ramifications beyond the borders of Pakistan?

These are but a few questions which come to mind while I, a Silicon WadiWallah tries come to grips with the gravity of the situation back in his motherland. Following are snippets from various local and international news agencies.....

CNN Report of CJ's Dismissal from the SC:

BBC Urdu Report:

GEO TV Reports:

GEO TV: Capital Talk - Removal of CJ

Part 1:

Part 2:

Also see

coverage on All-Things-Pakistan, an "alternative" blog by Adil Najam, and Voice of America (VoA) report

Copyright C. Abdulrahman Rafiq

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