Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday!

Merry Christmas to all and Happy Birthday Mr Jinnah - deeply sorry to how "we" have ruined and misconstrued your vision of a secular Republic Of Pakistan. A nation where the interests of all faiths, ethnicity, and cultures are secure under a single federated national umbrella. Hope someday, soon we can get it right! RIP Sir.

Cross-posting from my Facebook Status dated 25th December, 2012, Karachi
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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Can Take A Horse To Water But Can't Make Him Drink It

You'd imagine someone from a poor background earning barely enough (~$100/mon) to support a family of 7 would be glad to have access to a decent and free Government School near his home. But no, the attitude that kids will only go the best or not go is prevalent at all levels of Pakistani society.

There is one individual with 6 six kids who go for private tuitions to learn Quran. But are not going to school as the tuition and admission fee is to high. Whereas the Government School near his house is free. I cited an example of another boy who just got his Metric through that same school, and now is en-route to doing his Inter.

Seriously, makes me wonder. Here you are with an opportunity to get your 6 kids educated - okay fine it's not the best school in the world, but it's decent enough for them to atleast become literate and maybe pass their Metric, more than what you had.

Government Schools, whatever one says about them however horrible the conditions do work - kids can get an okay education, enough to help their families out of poverty. And these schools are FREE.

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Kemari Home To Soccer

Even though I grew up in Karachi , I'm always learning something new about the city such as tye famous Football (Soccer) league is from Kemari.

Kemari & Lyari areas of Karachi are home to some damn good athletes - if this were any where else probably would have qualified for Olympics

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mujhe Se Pehli Si Mohabbat - Faiz Ahmad Faiz

Muj Se Pehli Si Mohabat Merey Mehboob Na Mang: This is a famous ghazal by Faiz Ahmed Faiz. It is one of my favorite songs/poems by Faiz. Typically most of us have heard it sung by Madam Noor Jahan's.  However recently via a friend's Facebook wall I heard it sung by a somewhat unknown artist, or perhaps she is unknown to me named Sheelo Khan.

Mujhe Se Pehli Si Mohabbat

Maine samjha tha ke tu hai to darakhshaan hai hayyaat
Tera gham hai to sham-e-dahar ka jhagra kya hai
Teri soorat se hai aalam mein baharon ko sabaat
Teri aankhon ke siwa dunya mein rakha kya hai
To jo mil jaye to taqdeer nigoon ho jaye
Yun na tha maine faqat chaha tha yun ho jaye
Aur bhi dukh hain zamane mein mohabbat ke siwa
Rahatein aur bhi hain wasl ki raahat ke siwa
Angeenat sadiyon ke taariq bahimanaa talism
Resham-o-atlas-o-kamKhwaab mein bunwaye hue
Jaa-ba-jaa biktey hue koochaa-o-bazaar mein jism
Khaak mein litharey hue, khoon mein nehlaaye hue
Jism nikaley hue amraaz ke tannuuron se
Peep behti hui jaltey hue naasuuron se
Laut jaati hai udhar ko bhi nazar kya ki jiye
Ab bhi dilkash hai tera husn mager kya ki jiye
Aur bhi dukh hain mohabbat ke dukh ke siwa
Rahatein aur bhi hain wasl ki raahat ke siwa
Mujhse pehli si mohabbat mere mehboob na maang

Don’t Ask Me Now, Beloved

Don’t ask me now, Beloved, for that love of other days
When I thoughy since you were, life would always scintillate
That love’s pain being mine, the world’s pain I could despise
That your beauty lastingness to the spring would denote,
That nothing in the world was of worth but your eyes;
Were you to be mine, fate would bow low before me.

It was not so; it was only my wish that it were so;
Other pains esist than those that love brings,
Other joys than those of lover’s mingling.
Dark fareful talisman, come down the centuries,
Woven in silk and damask and cloth of gold;
Bodies that everywhere in streets sold
Covered with dust, all their wounds bleeding.
Bodies that have passed through the furnace of ills
With putrid ulcers which their humours spills.
How can I but turn my eyes sometimes that way?
Your beauty is still ravishing, what can I say?
Other pains exist than those that love brings,
Other joys than those of lovers’ mingling.
Don’t ask me now, Beloved, for that love of other days.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Death Sentence Dressed In Blue!

Getting laid of from my very first job and the company I joined straight out of college was probably the best thing that could have happened to me.

In one stroke my employer, Cisco pulled the rug from under myself and thousands of others. A shock it was, as who could have imagined this. Especially it happening to you.

You may have played all the right cards available to corporate professionals. Yet at the end of the day usefulness of employees is not based on their individual contribution.

As an employee in a corporation you get paid for being in the office day-in and day-out, as long as you deliver upon your specific role, everyone is happy, and you continue to get paid, with the occasional bonus slapped on.

It is a great and cushy life, you feel on top of the world, secure in your life. Never really expecting your life line to the company could ever be axed by the same company you've diligently slaved for day-in and day-out.

That was me until the morning of Thursday, July 16 2009. Upon walking in to my cubicle, as I took my seat in front of my 17 inch LCD monitor, I clicked open Outlook to find two emails from both my managers marked urgent with the subject line "Please contact me at your earliest convenience".

I thought to myself, what could they want to see me about so early in the morning. While going over all the project deliverable's and statuses in my mind. Not quite able to figure out what might they want to see me for, and both of then early in the morning, and that in my senior most managers office.

Anyhow I got up from my desk, and walked over to my managers office that was around the corner, two cubicles away from me.

There I saw both my managers, I knocked and my senior most boss asked me to have a seat, while my second boss got up to close the door.

Then my senior most manager started reading, though I am quite sure he wasn't reading. As I heard what he had to say I felt my self sink, my heart started to pound, mind was in turmoil, trying to comprehend my managers words. I felt as if I was going to faint.

He then handed me a blue folder, inside of which was a 25 page termination letter, most of which I could barely read apart from "we regret to inform you that your employment at Cisco Systems has been terminated".

Terminated I thought, but why, why me? Then my boss looked at me and said you have two months at Cisco, within that time you will have the same rights and privileges as before. But you are not to work on any existing projects...."but ..." I blurted out "there are the following projects I am overseeing....." my boss smiled and said "don't worry about those your remaining time at Cisco is for you to look for another positions internal or external".

With that we parted, the short walk back to my cube was one of the longest walks I had ever taken. Back at my desk I reopened the blue folder, took out that 25 page death sentence, that's what it felt like as I skimmed over each page. I could barely comprehend the words. Felt like I was having some sort of bad dream.

Felt like my entire worth as a human being had been shattered. Who was I, what do I do? I found myself wonder how will I break the news to my parents, to my friends, to close acquaintances, what will I do? What will I say, that I got laid off?

I felt like running, putting the entire morning behind me and continuing my work as I usually did. Then suddenly I noticed my Sametime, the company wide instant messenger we used popping up with messages from all over. Oh they were friends from within the company asking how I was and if I survived ? That's when I learnt of dozens of others who received the same death sentence dressed in blue.

Turned out 25% of my Business Unit had been affected, about 1,000 - 1,500 people company wide. Many from my Business Unit, the team that had been responsible for Cisco's flagship product Catalyst 6500. Once the only bread winner for the company was on its death bed.

Ever since I haven't looked back, the death sentence in blue is none but a fading glimmer in the fabric of space and time. Though, many times less wealthier, I am glad that the death sentence came when it did. The experiences and skills gained in the months and years since were well worth the initial anguish.

I am more determined than ever before not to allow myself in such a similar position, and decided to embark, full throttle ahead upon the entrepreneurial journey, wherever that may take me. After all this is a journey that is the most rewarding, despite the emotional tolls faced from time to tome, there is no better thrill than to be working on something, building a business of your own, striving to make it profitable, tweaking and pivoting every step of the way.

The death sentence dressed in blue was none but a silver lining that came at the peak of a Great Recession.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

In Respect of Honest Work

Just because an entrepreneur doesn't run a successful high-tech or "professional services" company, that does not  mean their business or their business skills aren't worth the respect typically attributed to high-tech businesses and entrepreneurs possessing college degrees. This is something I keep trying to remind myself each time I meet or hear of a successful Pakistani / Pakistani-American entrepreneur who runs a profitable auto repair shop in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Many Pakistanis are programmed to think of businesses or jobs outside of high-tech, medicine, law, politics & government as lowly. Auto repair business though are tech in nature, in the Pakistani mindset they are categorized as jobs for the under classes (or cullee classes).

Success as a nation requires us to break this in-bred societal prejudice. Something that owes it's roots to colonialism where pre-colonial jobs were shunned to the lowest rungs of society by the English colonial rulers in India. Case-in-point: Jamhadar was once a highly respected rank in the army, equivalent if not above that of a general.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Failed Marriage - Pakistan & The United States 1947 - 2012: Husain Haqqani

A failed marriage, a disenchanted alliance 1947 - 2012 it has been -- best to sever ties, divorce and go our separate ways. The former Ambassador Professor Husain Haqqani  makes a compelling case, inline with the former cold-war U.S. diplomat to Pakistan,  Dennis Kux's analysis.

A post-Marriage US Pakistan relationship will serve both nations well,  void of any expectations.  

Friends they'll remain yet friends is all they'll be nothing more.  No bilateral or multi-lateral partnerships,  no expectations or broken promises, or ill will towards one another.

Continue reading Husain Haqqani's statement at ....

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

65 years on becoming: Fate of the Unfated

Mr Mohammad Ali Jinnah, playing a game of billiards
(Photo courtesy Quaid-e-Azam History Blog)
Today Pakistanis everywhere celebrate 65 years of independence from British Rule. A long and tumultuous journey it has been. Pot marked by sectarian and ethnic genocides, political upheavals, with corruptions, bribery and plain simple idiocracy plaguing the national landscape.

Pakistan to many outsiders is perceived as a failed state, another banana republic gone bananas!

A country that was founded upon the principle of freedom of religion, equity and equality for citizens regardless of ethnic or religious differences. As the founding father, Mr Mohammad Ali Jinnah eloquently stated in his first Constituent Assembly Address on August 11, 1947 while drawing corollary to England's tumultuous ancient past:
We are starting in the days where there is no discrimination, no distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one caste or creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle: that we are all citizens, and equal citizens, of one state.
Mr Jinnah further went on to say 
You will find that in the course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus, and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State.
Mr Jinnah, contrary to popular lore did not envision the Pakistan of today. He did not envision a country where religious and ethnic minorities are sidelined, where speaking your mind can be hazardous and injurious to health - mind, body, and soul. Mr Jinnah surely did not envision an 'Islamic Republic' molded to a narrow "Islamist"  ideology. An ideology that shuns anyone who doesn't conform to a specific ethno-religious mold, as is evident from his statement:
You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed -- that has nothing to do with the business of the State.
From the present 1973 Constitution that declares the State of Pakistan as 'An Islamic Republic' to the discriminatory treatment of not just non-Muslims but even none conforming Muslims, and ethnic minorities. Pakistan is a State riddled with broken promises, shattered dreams, deaths of innocent souls, hearts, and would be great minds who aspired to building a new life in a new nation.

Mr Jinnah addressing the first constituent assemble
11th of August, 1947 (Photo courtesy Ali Salman's Blog)
In his address Mr Jinnah went on and implored the constituent assembly on tackling bribery and corruption. "That really is a poison. We must put down with an iron hand", he said.

Further he talked about how "Black-Marketing is another curse...which today is a colossal crime against society, in our distressed conditions, when we constantly face shortage of food and other essential commodities of life".

On the surface it's apparent that Pakistan has not lived up and been the homeland it's founders ventured out "to build a separate homeland where the interests of the Muslims of India are safeguarded...not to build an Islamic theocracy", eloquently stated by Pakistan's former Consul General (1997 - 2001) to Los Angeles Sardar Tariq Azizuddin  over a cup of chai in his L.A. office. I highlight, where the interests...are safeguarded, referring not only to religious, but economic interests of Muslims of India. Jinnah's vision for Pakistan as Sardar Azizuddin went on to say was to build a separate and secular homeland for Muslims, and also the ethnic and religious minorities.

Pakistan may have not lived up to it's original ideals, it however has by hook or crook, managed to survive through 4 military dictatorships, 3 wars with it's arch rival India, 2 wars it fought and is still fighting on behalf of International partners and foes alike. Not to mention domestically the country is faced with insurmountable issues - from rising poverty, power and water shortages, with bribery and corruption plaguing at all levels of public and private life.

That is the Pakistan story, a miracle you could call it, against all odds it continues to kick, despite it's rocky past and unfated future. Where is the country of 200 Million  headed to, GOD only KNOWS! Scientifically speaking Pakistan is a failed nation. How it has survived thus far is a miracle in itself.

A miracle that can, and can only be attributed to the efforts of it's people. The people who against all odds, continue to forge forward in all walks of life. Pakistan in a manner of speaking a nation of "real" entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who not only build businesses, but also build lives, building society(ies) as they understand it to be - carving out their individual Fate, intertwined with that of the national Fate.

Mr Jinnah's vision may not have as yet taken root in society, however in retrospect there are telling glimmers of hope riddled through the nations historical fabric, which sooner than later will merge into a unified national narrative.

God Bless!

Pakistan Paindabad!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Just Scratch the surface and you'll find positive news...

Don't  yearn to hear positive news from Pakistan, scratch the surface a little and you'll find tones of great stories that suite your fancy. Whatever, or most of whats going in Pakistan today is a healthy discourse, verbal and non-verbal, violent and non-violent on track to ensuring a secure, prosperous, democratic future. Rather than complain, get involved and participate in the discourse. Do not shy away because something appears "Political" in nature. - AR

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Be aware of your sarroundings when leaving work late

On Monday evening, April 6th,, 2009 around 8:00 pm (Pacific Time), two employees from Cisco were mugged by 4 armed men. This was near Cisco Bldg D, across the road from the Champion St. Light Rail station.

The robbers snatched everything including laptop , wallet, cell phones and the worst part is they attacked the victims from behind.

Folks, especially women be aware of your surroundings. If you're working late then try and call your respective company security to escort you to your car.

Cross-posting to WadiBlog

Posting as a public service for the denizens of Silicon Wadi
-- Where Silicon Valley is a community

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Breakdown Of Civil Authority in Karachi

Khayaban-e-Shamsheer & Khayaban-e-Hafiz intersection - Photo AR Rafiq
As of 2012 the Khayaban-e-Shamsheer road, one of the main thoroughfares in Karachi's  Defence Housing Authority (DHA) has been designated a one way. Yet no one follows the rule, even the traffic cops aren't enforcing it. The only time there is some of semblance order is when DHA's private police are onsite.

You can try and drive on the right hand side, but at your own risk. You can blame lack of education as the cause of the mess, however when the educated elit who reside in DHA won't follow the law, or obey posted traffic signs then what more can one say or do to enforce the new rule to the broader, and largely illiterate public?

What about the traffic cops? Shouldn't they enforce the law? Why does DHA have to send their organizations police. In fact what need does DHA have in maintaining a private police force when you already have city police for maintaing law and order?

Clearly there's a communication breakdown between the various city and private authorities resulting in rampant lawlessness.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mark Zukerberg Ka Eid

I was leaving the house earlier today for a meeting, had my laptop in one hand and the boy who works for us here in Karachi comes out from behind asking me how he can create a Facebook account from his phone.

We had gotten him a second hand laptop to help with his school work (Metric), however it doesn't have WiFi capabilities so he's dependent on his QMobile smart phone for the internet.

Earlier this week he asked me how to upgrade the sound drivers on his laptop, as he had already downloaded several versions via his mobile device, which did not work. It was incredible to learn,  with so little knowledge and exposure to the world and the English language he was able to figure out how to download sound drivers via his mobile device and then transfer it to his laptop.

Then today the fact he knew about Facebook, and even more amazing his classmates at the Gizri Government (Urdu and Sindhi Medium) School down the street talk about Facebook is incredible. Though I'll try and delay helping him with creating a Facebook account until he completes and passes his Metric exams - as Facebook is a distraction he can do without for now :-).

Technology is indeed flattening the world, blurring traditional social and economic barriers. Is that good, well on the face of things definitely, however I can't help but wonder what are, if any the adverse affects of foreign technology being adopted within a society? What do you think?

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Free Will is a Gift...Use it or Loose It...

Most people live life on the path we set for them. Too afraid to explore any other. But once in a while people like you come along and knock down all the obstacles we put in your way. People who realize free will is a gift, you'll never know how to use until you fight for it. I think that's The Chairman's real plan. And maybe, one day, we won't write the plan. You will. -- The Adjustment Bureau 
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I wish to bring to your attention my outrage over the recent developments that are underway in the US Congress following the hearing on Baluchistan by the Oversight and Investigation Sub-committee of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Community on February 8, 2012. Needless to say the fact that a debate is taking place on Capitol Hill which in essence talks of the dismemberment of Pakistan is highly disturbing. This has the potential of having serious repercussions not only for the future of relations between Pakistan and the United States but also for the stability of the region which in turn can have serious global implications.

In this regard, I would like to point to the following:

Baluchistan is an integral part of the Pakistani federation. Pakistan is a democracy conducting itself in accordance with international law. Pakistan’s elected Parliament and the Provincial Assembly of Baluchistan, the independent judiciary, a vigorous media and a thriving civil society are all avenues for expression and seeking redress of grievances, political and economic.

The Government of Pakistan is committed to protecting fundamental rights and freedoms in all parts of Pakistan, including Baluchistan, and has initiated an extensive package of constitutional and other reforms to empower all citizens in the continuing consolidation of democracy.

Last November, a reforms package for the province of Baluchistan was unanimously passed by the Parliament of Pakistan which inter-alia states the following:

  • Return of political exiles to Pakistan will be facilitated (except those known to be involved in terrorist activities)
  • Trace all missing citizens, facilitating their immediate release
  • Ending construction of military cantonments within the cities. Army will leave the cities and hand over security to the Frontier Constabulary (FC). The FC will also replace the Army in SUI, the city which provides gas to the entire country.
  • The FC’s law-enforcement role to be under the chief minister, powers conferred under the customs act to be withdrawn and the coastguard to perform its primary duty of checking arms and narcotics smuggling
  • Rs120 billion to be given as gas royalty by the Federal government to the province
  • There will be ownership of Baloch citizens in oil and gas companies
  • Consent of the Baluchistan legislature in launch of all mega development projects
  • 10 percent of profits to be allocated for development of areas with natural resources
  • Constitutional matters to be settled by Constitutional Reforms Committee of Parliament
  • Restructuring of National Finance Commission Award criteria to benefit maximum number of people within the province
  • Judicial probe to be held into killings of Akbar Bugti and other Baloch leaders
  • Release of all political workers except those charged with heinous crimes
  • Political dialogue with all stakeholders is being conducted
  • End of all security operations targeting the Baloch except actions against terrorism
  • The Federal Government to immediately give 20 per cent from its 30 per cent shares in
  • Saindak project to the province, which will exclusively own it on completion and after
  • withdrawal of the foreign company
  • Judicial probe into the allotment of land at Gwadar
  • Special quota in HEC scholarships to ensure access of education
  • 5,000 additional jobs at the earliest
  • Parliament Committee on National Security to monitor package implementation
In January 2012, Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik constituted a task force for the implementation of Balochistan package. The interior secretary would head the task force while additional secretaries of ministries concerned would be its members. According to Interior Ministry, keeping in view the complaints from various quarters, a close monitoring system is needed to be evolved to check progress of the implementation by ministries and departments concerned. It is, therefore decided that the concerned ministries would prepare their suggestions to evolve a system to make it more expeditious and result-oriented mechanism for the implementation of package.

The Interior Minister was informed that many matters relating to provincial government have not yet been implemented and they need immediate attention of the provincial government. Frontier Constabulary (FC) and Coast Guards have been strictly prohibited from intercepting any vehicle on the RCD highway. Now they will not stop any vehicle and take it to road side with the purpose of checking. The interior secretary has been asked to ensure this from the IG FC and DG Coast Guard.

The other decisions taken at the meeting pertained to follow up of the policy of the government that all contractual employees recently recruited under the Aghaz-i-Haqooq-i-Balochistan in the federal government departments would stand regularised from January 20. The federal government had asked the provincial government to regularise all the employees recruited under the package and being funded by the federal government.

It is unfortunate that the Congressional hearing was marked by a blatant disregard for history and inflammatory use of selective facts. It is deeply regrettable that the legislature of a country that calls itself a friend of Pakistan should allow itself to be used as a platform by those advocating the dismemberment of Pakistan. This kind of exercise constitutes interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs.

The hearing will be detrimental to building mutual trust and confidence and will add to suspicions in Pakistan about the US’ motives in the region and concerning Pakistan. The bilateral relationship and the joint Pakistan-US fight against terrorism will be major casualties at a sensitive moment when the two countries need to focus the most on defeating this common enemy.”

(Details of the Baluchistan package are placed below for use by the Community)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

No place like home

There is no place like home
At the break of dawn you hear the call to prayer
Rooster crowing
Birds chirping
Crows crowing
There is no place like home

Home sweet home
Your abahee land
Where every molecule within you is resonant with the soil, air, and water.
There is no place like home

Home sweet home
Sweet regardless of the chaos
Sweet regardless of the madness
Sweet regardless of the jahalat
There is no place like home

Home sweet home
It's home even when you're given a side while driving
It's home even if the road is riddled with pot holes
It's home even when the traffic police rudely gestures you to go straight instead of making a left turn
It's home despite utter unprofessionalism at conferences
It's home despite the manghaee
There is no place like home
It's home when an irritated motorist honks you to proceed at a red light
There is no place like home

Home sweet home
Home is where the heart is
Home is where the soul is at peace
There is no place like home
Your abahee watan
The watan that breathed life into you
The watan where you are part of the whole
There is no place like home

You can travel the world
Yet there is no place like home
There is no place like your hum watan

Home is where the heart is a peace
Home is where you feel whole again
There is no place like home

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