Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hypenated For Life

It can be tough, being hypenated for life, yet it's so common to have split nationalities, ethnicities, cultural splits not to mention split personalities so much so the very concept of a hyphenated citizen is taken for granted in today's world.

However when you're split on settling down, where you heart desires living in two seperate regions of the world then it's a tough call. You're never really able to live in one region fully. As always in the back of your mind you "think" you'll. "move back". Though for many that never happens, they spend their entire life in one region living as transient-refugees waiting for the right moment to "move back" to their home country.

Your life resides on the jetway, prepared to hop on to the next flight at a moments notice.

It's tough to let down roots in one place if you're constantly on the go, split between multiple regions of the world, you end becoming a mere wayfarer following in the footsteps of Ibn Batuta, except at supersonic speeds!

Being in a perpetual state of splitness you're unable to engage in local community affairs, truly participate in local government and take on issues as you are never able to develop a sense of belonging to one region. Let alone settle down with a family, as you never belong anywhere.

Your state of mind and being is in a perpetual state of flux, not able to settle on one place or idea for too long. You end up belonging no where, whilst being of everywhere with no real "thikana".

It's especially true for corporate citizens, i.e. the professional workers who follow the jobs, hoping from one city to the next, one country to the next, company to company. You might have achieved in the material world, yet in your heart of hearts you're never settled and are in a state of perpetual loss of belonging.

What is one to do? That's the 80 Billion dollar question many hypenated global citizens have yet to answer.

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Friday, December 09, 2011

The Daily Express

In the waiting, on the railroad platform, hoping on to the daily express with my life packed in boxes and suit cases.

Day-in and day-out I do this with optimism that one day, soon I will reach my manzal-e-maqsood.

Yet that day never seems to arrive, instead the drive to go on day after day, catching the same express rail, loading it with the same baggage diminishes, there are times one just wants to give up and run away from the daily race. Run up some mountain, run out to sea to a space where time has no meaning, where you can just be free of lifes responsibilities and worries.

But then the personal self kicks in, turning on that inner voice driven by egos whisper, enticing you with words of "future" fame and fortune. Thus prompting you out of bed each morning, under a self manifested illusition that today "I" will strike "Silicon".

The self is so fickle, so easily swayed, oscilating between high and low states of existance becuase of some inner voice called ego.

Where as nothing much changes, you continue to ride the daily express with all your baggage day-in and day-out to what end, to what means, to what destination continues to remain ellusive.

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